Mit diesem Trick können Sie ganz einfach von zuhause aus Geld verdienen...

Mit diesem Trick können Sie ganz einfach von zuhause aus Geld verdienen...

Schlepper, Nepper, Bauernfänger...

Autoverkauf per Paypal ? in Südamerika ??
Bezahlung ohne das Auto anzuschauen ? Das nenne ich mal Entscheidungsfreudigkeit !
Moment... ist unser Auto vielleicht zu günstig ?
Anscheinend hat es sich doch gelohnt, auch die lokalen Anzeigenportale zu verwenden. So viele Anfragen nach nur so kurzer Zeit. Ich bin völlig begeistert !!!

Holt euch Popcorn und lehnt euch zurück, es folgt ein Crash Kurs Geldwäsche via Autoverkauf in Südamerika.
Für die risikofreudigeren unter euch ist es eine Chance auf Zusatzeinkommen

Folgenden Anzeigentext haben wir in unterschiedliche Verkaufsportale eingestellt: 


Descripción del vendedor

spanish version entfernt...

Mitsubishi Montero Sport Camper, 2009, 4x4, ~175.000km, liberado. Equipped car with Chilean plates, ready for travel, available middle Nov in Santiago. Euros preferable. Big foldable bed inside 1,33x2,15m, back seats usable. Car comes with solid cage roof rack, fire extinguisher, 3x20l, 1X7l, 1x20l petrol/water canisters, warning triangles, car jack, spark cables, table, chairs, tools, etc. Shock absorbers new. 4x4 indicating light flashes green, together with ABS light. That indicates that 4x4 does not disconnect properly. We checked with several mechanics, 4x4 works fine. Underpressure valve causes the lights to blink. There was never a need to change it.
Contact: a(at), whatsapp 0049 176... y 0049 176...

Gleich darauf haben sich einige Interessenten Personen gemeldet. Unseren Email Austausch geben wir in etwas komprimierter Form wieder. .

hola vendedor,

me gusta tu post aquí y me gustaría hacer una compra, responder a mi correo electrónico para la comunicación rápida (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!) y me dan el precio final en dólares estadounidenses .... también puede responder mí en Inglés si es posible.


On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 1:04 AM, mychaosland wrote:

Hi William,

The car is still available. We will be in Santiago more or less around 20th of November. We must leave Chile on the 26th November at latest to get to Lima. The rough calculation between exchange rates and to make it a little bit more interesting for you we round it to USD 9.900, which is about 6.550.000 Pesos. But there is always some space for negotiations. Actually, Euros would be fine but there is no need to pay in Pesos and do even more money exchange..

Are you traveling South America as well? Let us know if you need more info.


On October 23, 2016 9:18:26 AM WILLIAM RICHARD wrote:

Thanks for the response. I am okay with the final price and the present condition as I'm ready to make the purchase now. I will like you to know I'm really interested in buying this for my father, I won't be able to come to view/purchase in person due to the nature of my job and present location, but not to worry, The shipping company supervisor and pick up agents will handle everything concerning the signing of the paperwork and pick up process on my behalf. I will be making the payment by PayPal and i believed you have a verified PayPal account to receive the payment. I'll be waiting to hear from you, and I'd like to send me the Name and E-mail and the phone Number with your country code you used to registered on PayPal account with Firm Price to send payment.
Thanks and waiting for your email.

Nun wurden wir doch etwas misstrauisch...

Hi William,

Being from Europe we are used to a sophisticated banking system where bank transfers are easy, cheap and without fees. Therefore we don't use PayPal and we don't consider it as suitable for the selling of a car because we heard of some fraud connected with the use of it. We also talked to the Aduana in Chile right as we bought the car and it is not so easy to export the car and get our papers clean. We need to check that in detail. So we would prefer the easy and simple approach as we did before. As Extranjero you need to go to the notary to make the contract. Then you need to pay taxes and exchange cash against car keys. We are fine if your trusted person in Santiago meet with us at the notary. Clean and simple.
What do you think about that?


Auch erhielten wir Post vom Muhammed. Hier der verkürzte Briefwechsel:

Thanks for your response.

Im Mrs (Muhammed Ruka) from USA I'm ok with the price and condition you gave me and i will be paying through paypal( So i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay, and i hope you have a paypal account and if not you can easily create your PayPal account on their website at and send me your PayPal email for the payment.
You do not have to bother yourself about the shipping. I'll instruct a Shipping Co Agent to come for pick up at your door,when i must have pay you and here is my details below to show you that am seriously interested in your Item

Mrs Muhammed Ruka
Address:lot 104 woodland terrace,
City: Morgantown
State: West Virginia
Country : USA

So kindly get back to me with your PayPal details like this below

Full Name:
PayPal Email:
Phone Number:
Amount in dollar:
Home Address:

As soon as i receive this details from you, i will proceed with the payment immediately and i have already arrange for a private shipping agents that will come for the pick up of the item at your house door step and they will take care of the picking up document including the full information to pick up the item at your house door step.

So I will need your home address as soon as the payment is made to you..

Ok we go...

Hi Muhammed, Being from Europe we are used to a sophisticated banking system where bank transfers are easy, cheap and without fees. Therefore, we don't use PayPal.... <Mail siehe oben>

What do you think about that? 


Muhammed Ende.... 

Und der Jeremy schreibt auch noch. Briefwechsel auf den gemeinsamen Nenner gekürzt.


soy jeremy nelson de América estoy interesado en la compra de su Coche lo que el último precio en Dólares y la condición por favor me responda a mi correo

Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! wrote:

Sorry PayPal only

mychaosland​ wrote:

Sorry no car...

Mensch Leute....
Wenn ihr schon mehrere EMail Accounts für eure Betrügereien nutzt, dann behaltet wenigstens den Überblick und verwendet einen anderen Text. Wir stammen noch nicht aus der Copy & Paste Generation...

Ob der richtige Jeremy, Muhammed etc... wissen das unter Ihrer Identität Betrüger Autos in Chile kaufen wollen? Oder verdienen die mit?
Warum sollte man ein Auto aus Chile und dann auch noch aus Santiago, wo sie am teuersten sind, in die USA exportieren? Haben die selber nicht genügend Gebrauchtwagen ?

Für den Fall wir wären darauf eingegangen, stell ich mir folgendes vor:

Sorry Alexandra...

My dad died unfortunately.. Now I'am very sad...
Therefore we don't need the car anymore. We need the money for the funeral.
So I kindly ask you to transfer the money back on this other bank account.
For your inconvenience please keep $1.000. Hope you can sell the car to somebody else...

Und schon sind wir Mittäter bei der Geldwäsche. Oder haben südamerikanisches Drogengeld legalisiert. Obwohl....der automatische Schwellenwert für Meldungen bei den Banken liegt doch bei einem Betrag von 10.000 Euro...oder?
Vielleicht können wir unser Auto sogar 3 Mal verkaufen und uns für unsere Mühen vom Sterbegeld ein nettes Hotel am Ende der Reise gönnen...

Oder sind wir einfach nur zu misstrauisch und sehen nur das Schlechte im Menschen?

Ort (Karte)

Santiago de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
Dead dog walking...
Ecuador North - Puerto Cabuyal

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